
Found: 9
Mind Control Your Chief

Even tho` this game has been tagged``Mind Control Your Own Boss`` technically this brief haired woman in tasteful garment that sits behind the big desk at the primary office isn`t however your boss and you`re here just for your job interview now. Answer her questions with choosing among trhee different options and attempt to impress her enough so she`d employ you and you may learn more about the office in hunt for fresh buddies, co-workers... and what`s more significant for fresh sexy ladies who you`re able to lure and fuck later! The objective is demonstrable - you have to fuck the boss lady. You will need to do a little bit of office working so pay attention to your duties while waiting for an chance to find out why this game is on the hentai themed site after all.

Point of view house luba

POV House is a excellent place where you are not simply watching hot hook-up flicks with real erotic models but doing it in interactive way! That`s right - you will decide what will happen in second scene and in what fuck slot our whorey star is going to get fucked next. By the way today you are going to enjoy the company of Luba - hot black-haired chick with big all-natural knockers and real passion for giving fellatios. If you are into ass fucking hook-up then Luba doesn`t mind about being taken from that fuckhole as well - just say the word! Also it is up to you to decide when to end this whole act with a jizz flow. If you`ll enjoy this format then don`t forget to vist our website where you will find more different sexy ladies keen to play the same game with just like Luba did!

Amanda's Approach

Busty blonde Amanda comes to see the medic. She has a smallish problem. And she wishes to learn how to take care of it and exactly what to do. Amanda looks very cool. She has a fashionable hairstyle, big tits and a sweet smile. During the dialogue it turns out that Amanda likes to go without undies and hooter-sling. And her manager is not blessed with this behaviour. Amanda does not want to lose her job and supplies a hypno session. But Amanda likes it when people look at her. Your mission in this game is to help Amanda. To do this, use the mouse and find the ideal places on Amanda`s bod. First, set the mouse above her cut-offs and press. Amanda spreads her legs. Wow... she wears pink g-strings. Act further and see what happens next.

Found: 9