My Hero Academia

Found: 165
Inspector J Vignette 6

The investigation of Inspector J continues in eisode 6: Any help is welcomed. You are a police inspector and you are working with your partner Mia on the case of a student from Canade called Jeanne. Jeanne has found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with a doll called Eve and now she is missing. For more details you may want to find and play previous scene of this game series. In this scene you will discover some evidence against non other than the mayor himself! Is he really connected with this strange case somehow or he just ended up in a wrong place and in awrong time? To know that you might want not to arrest him directly but try to find more details by meeting his assistant as one of the missing person`s father... and by the way mayor`s assistant is sexy blonde Natalie! Real video scenes filled with mystery, hot chicks and of course fucky-fucky - you can find it all in this game!

My Hero Academia
Found: 165